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contoh kalimat on hand

"on hand" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I want them to have plenty more on hand.
    Aku ingin mereka punya banyak persediaannya .
  • Now the negotiator has the money on hand, right?
    Sekarang negosiator memiliki uang di tangan, kan?
  • We don't have that kind of cash on hand.
    Kami tak punya uang sebanyak itu sekarang.
  • Oh, all we had on hand was leftover regina.
    Yang kita punya hanya sisa otak Regina.
  • With barely a broadside worth of shot on hand?
    Dengan hampir selebaran senilai ditembak di tangan?
  • Local veterans of the first world war on hand.
    Veteran lokal perang dunia pertama di tangan .
  • Headset on. Hand on the scanner at all times.
    Pasang headset dan tangan diatas scanner setiap saat.
  • Are they planning on handing him over to me?
    Apa mereka berencana menyerahkan Whistler padaku?
  • He always has at least one of us on hand.
    Ia setidak nya memiliki satu seperti kami.
  • I didn't have any alcohol on hand, as requested.
    Aku tidak punya persediaan alkohol, seperti yang diminta.
  • Look... Deacon, I don't have that kind of cash on hand.
    Dengar, Deacon, aku tak punya uang.
  • Come on. Hand on chin, thinking of wieners.
    Ayo, tangan di dagu, pikirkan soal penis.
  • Beetlejuice will be on hand with the infamous Beetle Cam.
    Beetlejuice akan di tangan dengan Beetle Cam terkenal.
  • Agent Shortbread , you have his Equine- naughty - file on hand ?
    Agen Shortbread, kau memiliki filenya?
  • His neck was on hand at the time, but ..
    Lehernya berada di tanganku waktu itu , namun..
  • Uh, do you have a sketch artist on hand?
    FBI. Kau punya seniman sketsa?
  • How much money do we have on hand?
    Berapa banyak uang yang kita punya?
  • Said we got to have it on hand, just in case.
    Katanya kita harus memilikinya, untuk berjaga jaga katanya
  • How much product do you have on hand?
    Berapa banyak produk yang siap?
  • I always keep some ginger-ale on hand.
    Aku selalu menaruh ginger-ale di sini.
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